Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I got busy with all my dogs so need to finish my story about Cede. She was my next dog and first Toller. I just recently lost her and am posting her memorial. I will try to do more posting and get back to her story later.

Can/NSDTRC(USA) CH, ADCH Mercedes Dealers Choice WCI,CD, MX,MXJ,PDIII, TM-Bronze, SCH-Bronze, JCH-Bronze

October 1, 1994-January 8, 2008

My most cherished Toller who taught me to enjoy life at all times. Cede taught me to make training and competing fun. If it was not fun, we did not do it. She always put her heart into everything we did, though in a carefree way. She loved life!!! Her life story would make a great book. We made a lot of great friends and had many fun times.

She excelled at all sports that she participated in, with many conformation wins, including a few group placements in Canada. She was the perpetual BOS at the Backyard classic several years in a row. She got her club CD at 17months of age, and WC/WCI in the same weekend at age 2. Three months later she finished her CH to earn her Rusty Jones award.

That behind her we spent most of our time training and showing in our favorite sport, agility. Cede had many accomplishments including being on the first all Toller team “Totally Twisted Tollers” with Rembrandt and Roxanne, being the 4th Toller to earn an ADCH, and one of the first Tollers to attend the AKC Nationals along with her son Dasher. The year 2002 was her year. She placed 3rd in the International Class in 16” as well as third in the USDAA Veterans Grand Prix at age 8. The next spring she topped her career by being the first Toller to compete at the World team tryouts.

One of my most memorable moments was a humbling one. We were in Ohio competing in a pairs relay class. Cede ran first, and at the exchange of the baton we were to stay in the box until our partner got done running. Ron Schuman with Andy (Toller), were playing at the pool with the water hose about 20 yards away. After our partner started to run, Cede left the ring to go play with Andy. I was able to get her back before my partner finished their course, so the judge did not see that Cede was gone. She only heard me calling her, so did not DQ us.

I will never forget Cede, my first and most special Toller. May you Run In Peace across the rainbow bridge.